Transformation into a Student for a Day at Widyatama University, Nearly a Thousand Students Explore Interests, Potentials, and Scholarships through Trial Class

Bandung, 16 November 2023 – Widyatama University (UTama), a superior campus that emphasises the value of DJITU (Discipline, Honest, Innovative, Diligent, and Tenacious) plus Sense of Belonging and Continuous Improvement, provided an opportunity for nearly 1,000 high school and vocational school students from a number of regions in West Java to experience the atmosphere of a superior campus in an interactive and innovative “One Day to Become a Student” Trial Class programme. This initiative is in line with Widyatama University’s commitment in creating a “Friendly Campus for Future Business Pro” which aims to provide first-hand insight into a friendly and quality learning environment at Widyatama University.
In addition to showcasing innovative and interactive teaching methodologies with experienced lecturers, the “One Day to Become a Student” Trial Class programme also gave students the opportunity to have an in-depth experience of the study programme they were interested in.
The event also presented a series of activities that enriched students’ insights, including Campus Tour, Special Workshop for Teachers, Special Performance from UKM, Games and Giveaways, and Scholarship Showcase which became a scholarship opportunity for outstanding participants as a concrete step to support quality education. On the campus tour, students were guided to enjoy state-of-the-art facilities and modern resources that support learning.

With great enthusiasm, Widyatama University Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Dadang Suganda, M.Hum, accompanied by Vice Rector for Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi & Kemahasiswaan Dr. R. Wedi Rusmawan Kusumah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., C.A., explained that today’s activity was a continuation of the previous Trial Class. After the successful implementation of Trial Class 1.0 a month ago which received high appreciation from students, schools, and parents, now comes Trial Class 2.0. In the previous event, 437 students from 80 high schools/vocational schools in Bandung City participated in various classes according to their interests and potential.
As it turned out, Dadang Suganda said, interest in participants from outside Bandung City continued to increase, so Trial Class 2.0 was held in response to the soaring demand. Today, nearly 500 students from 59 high schools in Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, and Sumedang Regency took part in the Trial Class 2.0.

“Amazingly, Trial Class 2.0 was not enough to accommodate all requests because we were forced to limit participation so that students could freely enjoy sophisticated and modern learning facilities, dynamic teaching methods, and qualified lecturers. It is possible that we will organise Trial Class 3.0 if the interest of SMA/SMK students in West Java or other provinces is high enough, of course with a more interesting and innovative concept of activities,” said Dadang Suganda.
Welcoming the future with “Friendly Campus for Future Business Pro”
The Rector stated that the “One Day to Become a Student” Trial Class provided an overview of Widyatama University’s academic excellence with a curriculum that focused on increasing digital economy competencies such as e-commerce. In addition, it also supports the holistic development of students to become future entrepreneurs and professionals in facing global challenges.

Therefore, it is important for Widyatama University to commit to remain flexible, adaptive, and responsive to every challenge. With the spirit of the “Friendly Campus for Future Business Pro” value, the Rector asserted, Widyatama University prioritises the development of graduates who are ready to face the challenges of the future business world. With a friendly and supportive campus atmosphere, we not only offer quality education, but also inspire students to become strong business professionals.
“The value of ‘Friendly Campus for Future Business Pro’ reflects our commitment to creating an innovative learning environment, supporting individual growth, and equipping students with relevant skills to face the dynamics of the global world of work. As a ‘Friendly Campus’, we open the door for students to achieve a great future in their career and business,” said the Rector.

Priority Scholarship

Widyatama University provides a variety of scholarships that can be utilised, opening the door to success for potential students. This superior campus offers a variety of scholarships, ranging from Priority Scholarships, Unggulan Scholarships, PMDK 1 & 2 Scholarships, UAN Programme Scholarships, Bidik Misi, Fee Assistance for Children of Widyatama Foundation Employees, Special Scholarships for Sukapada Village Residents, and S-3 Education Support for Permanent Lecturers. Scholarships are available from various sources and further information can visit

Widyatama University is committed to continue to be an agent of change through access to inclusive and quality education. We invite potential students to join us, pursue their dreams, and be part of the progressive Widyatama community.

What do alumni say?

The Trial Class event was a unique platform where one of Widyatama University’s prominent alumni shared his inspirational experience while studying at Widyatama. “Widyatama University is not only a place of learning, but also a stage for my personal and professional growth. The values instilled by this university formed a strong foundation for my career journey. Our lecturers not only provide knowledge, but they also become mentors. They guided, encouraged, and provided invaluable insights during my studies at this campus,” said Assistant Vice President Employee Welfare Foundation Bank BJB, Nia Riana.
Not only that, this alumni also highlighted his success which was supported by the network built during college. “Widyatama provides a supportive environment for building networks. My friends from various study programmes have become valuable collaborators and business partners in my career journey,” said Nia who will also serve as a lecturer at Widyatama University starting next year.
Widyatama University’s commitment to continue to provide quality educational experiences has proven to produce graduates who are not only academically qualified, but also ready to face the challenges of the world of work and business.