UTama Press (Publishing)

UTama Press (Publishing)

The “UTama Press” unit is a technical implementation unit that carries out the function of a publishing institution to fulfill the internal bookkeeping needs of Widyatama, as well as the community. “UTama Press” was founded with the aim of publishing books, journals, magazines and other publishing products, especially scientific works from the Widyatama academic community and the wider community. This unit is under the auspices of the LPAP – Widyatama organization.

The function of “UTama Press” is to carry out activities in the field of publishing (Publishing House) and publishing services (Publishing Services), both in the form of books and non-books. “UTama Press” is committed to always trying to maintain the quality of its publications and firmly positions itself as an independent, professional, quality publisher, at affordable costs. In carrying out its functions, “UTama Press” carries out activities, authority and responsibilities in accordance with the Foundation’s provisions and regulations.