Vision and mission

Widyatama University’s Friendly Campus for Future Business Pro is to create a campus environment that is conducive and friendly to the development of student skills and knowledge in the field of business.


Become a superior and independent university in Indonesia to produce professionals who meet the needs of industry and society and are able to compete in the global environment in 2028


  1. Organizing education, research and community service programs that support the development and application of science, technology and art.
  2. Creating a conducive environment for the implementation of teaching and learning activities and research that is efficient and effective so as to produce graduates who are creative and innovative.
  3. Striving for linkages and relevance of all academic activities in the context of forming virtuous human beings.
  4. Collaborating with various parties, both inside and outside the country so that the learning process is always up-to-date.


  1. To produce academic, professional and vocational human resources who are virtuous and professional in their fields and have competitiveness in a global environment.
  2. Improving the management of Widyatama University in a professional manner in order to gain the trust of all stakeholders.
  3. Producing works of science, technology and art that are meaningful and beneficial for the welfare of society.
  4. Improving the quality and quantity of research activities and community service to create a culture of multidisciplinary research and community service.




Comply with the regulations that apply



Honesty is the main capital to gain trust



Initiative attitude that arises from outside the habit

Tekun & Ulet

(Persevere & Tenacious)

The process that if carried out in earnest results can make a skill

Dua Plus (++)

(Two Pluses)

In carrying out DJITU’s values, it is necessary to add the values of Sense of Ownership and Continuous Improvement.