The Widyatama Foundation was originally named the Bandung Accounting Education and Teaching Foundation (YPPAB) which was founded in Bandung on January 3, 1973 on the initiative of Dra. Koesbandijah Abdoel Kadir, Ak (now Prof. Dr. Hj. Koesbandijah Abdoel Kadir, MS, Ak., Chairman of the Management Board of the Widyatama Foundation). This foundation manages the Bandung Institute of Accountancy (IAB) with an Undergraduate Study Program (S1) in Accounting. In 1979 the name of the foundation changed to the Bandung College of Economics Foundation (YASTIEB) and managed the Bandung College of Economics (STIEB) with the S1 program majoring in Accounting and the S1 program majoring in Management, which in 1995 was added to the D3 program majoring in Accounting and D3 majoring in Accounting. Management.
Organizing education, research and community service programs that support the development and application of science, technology and art.
Creating a conducive environment for the implementation of teaching and learning activities, and research that is efficient and effective so as to produce graduates who are creative and innovative.
Striving for linkages and relevance of all academic activities in the context of forming virtuous human beings
Collaborating with various parties, both at home and abroad so that the learning process is always up-to-date.
Elder Member
Leader: Sri Juniati,S.E., MBA.
Leader: Sri Lestari Roespinoedji, S.H.
Member : H. Marcus Kasirin, S.E., M.M.