Comparative Study of Engineering Faculty to Indonesian Islamic University, Yogyakarta

Comparative Study of Engineering Faculty to Indonesian Islamic University, Yogyakarta


The Engineering Faculty, on May 3rd 2019, conducted a comparative study at the Indonesian Islamic University

The Engineering Faculty, on May 3rd 2019, conducted a comparative study at the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) campus in Yogyakarta. This comparative study had a purpose as an illustration and at the same time as reference for the Mechanical Engineering Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering, Widyatama University and to comprehend the extent of the current development of Mechanical Engineering. Facilities that must be fulfilled by and the concentration study of any expertise currently needed in the industrial world carried out by UII.


The visitation began with a meeting in the form of a discussion forum between leaders and staffs of the Faculty of Engineering, Widyatama University, represented by Rozahi Istambul, S.Kom, M.T. (Dean of FT), Savitri Galih, S.Si., M.T. (Deputy Dean of FT), Udin Komarudin, M.T. (Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program) and Bambang Eko Widyanto, S.T., M.T. (Civil Engineering Lecturer) along with several other lecturers. While the FTI UII Chairperson was represented by Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo, M.T. (Dean), Dwi Ana Ratna Wati, S.T., M.Eng (Deputy Dean), Medilla Kusriyanto, S.T., M.Eng (Secretary of Electrical Engineering Study Program) and Yustiasih Purwaningrum, S.T., M.T.

At the end of the visit, Widyatama University Faculty of Engineering also had the opportunity to take a campus tour and visited the UII Industrial Technology Faculty Laboratory.

Thus from the work program in the form of this comparative study, Widyatama University Faculty of Engineering especially the Mechanical Engineering Study Program could obtain an overview and reference in terms of developing the Study Program towards curriculum development, facilities and infrastructure as well as other things needed to support the learning process in order to achieve expected graduate competencies.