To be Well-prepared in SBMPTN, Tridaya synergizes with UTama

Saturday (19/1), the Widyatama University Marketing Bureau in collaboration with Tridaya Group held a Tryout and Workshop on “Deeper Strategies for Facing SBMPTN” for high school students who are joined Tridaya that will face the SBMPTN. The event was held at Widyatama University multi-purpose building (GSG) which was attended by 123 High School Participants who wanted to increase their readiness to face the 2018 SBMPTN.

Tridaya Group Marketing Bureau, Mr Eriansyah, S.Pd explained that the purpose of this event was to make prospective students more well-prepared in organizing for state university tests. “We want to provide positive stimulus for students, provide training and simulation ways for them, and also provide experience for prospective students. So that it can motivate students to achieve what they want. ”

In addition to the Tryout and Workshop events, the event held at the Multipurpose Building and Widyatama 4th Floor Seminar Building was also enlivened by one of the student activities units of Widyatama University which is the Pompom Boys Sub-Student Art Group. The high enthusiasm of participants in participating in the series of activities from the beginning of the event to closing, namely the distribution of prizes for participants who get the highest score, hopefully can be a motivation for students to achieve the desired goals.