Chair of the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI) for the 2023-2027 Period Commitment to Collaborating with Widyatama University

The Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI) for the West Java region held a member meeting and election of a new chairman on Saturday, October 21 2023 at the Widyatama University Multipurpose Building.

After serving for 5 years (2017-2023) Edi Jaenudin, S.E., M.Sc., Ak. CA., carried out the handover of office to the elected chairman of IAI West Java for the 2023-2027 period Dr. Prima Yusi Sari, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA. selected by deliberation by IAI members.

Prima thanked the previous chairman for providing a strong foundation for IAI so that it could assist its work in achieving IAI’s targets and goals, namely providing benefits to stakeholders.

In terms of collaboration, Widyatama University and IAI West Java have been working together for quite a long time, even the first office of IAI West Java was located at Widyatama University which was initiated and facilitated by the late. Prof. Dr. Hj. Koesbandijah Abdoel Kadir, MS, Ak. who is the founder of Widyatama University.

“Of course, IAI West Java cannot be separated from the role of Widyatama University, even though we are still moving forward by collaborating with others, but there is a main important point, namely that we don’t have a place where Widyatama University can facilitate it.”

Edi hopes that with the election of the new IAI chairman he can maintain and improve the positive things and complete the missing things.

“My hope is that with the election of Mrs. Prima as the new chairman, I can maintain and increase positive things and can complement previous shortcomings, such as currently being close and collaborating with the media, so that information about IAI activities can be conveyed to the general public and not only from IAI alone. who knows.” said Edi when interviewed by Widyatama Public Relations.

Dr Syafrizal Ikram., SE., M.SI., Ak., CA., CACP, who is the Head of the Widyatama Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, said that the IAI Member Meeting activities ran smoothly and were quite dynamic.

“This Member Meeting activity is a form of implementation of the MoU cooperation between Widyatama University and IAI West Java and by establishing this cooperation IAI and UTama can progress together.” he added