Writing Thesis Technique Workshop

Writing Thesis Technique Workshop

Widyatama University Library organized a Technical Workshop on Writing Final Project / Thesis / Thesis on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at the Widyatama Multipurpose Building (GSG). More than 500 students attended the workshop. Present as guest speaker Dr. Sutanto Leo, M.Ed., TESOL., Dipl. TESL.

The speaker who had given a Seminar & Workshop on Book Writing and Publishing in more than 70 Universities provided tips for students in preparing Final Project / Thesis / Thesis, starting from writing to determine the title / theme. Acting as moderator was Ms. Cucu Hodijah, S. Sos., M.M. explored various tips & tricks from the speaker.

More than 500 students attended the Final Project / Thesis / Thesis Writing Workshop on Tuesday February 26, 2019 at the Widyatama Multipurpose Building (GSG)

The event was also attended by students from outside the University of Widyatama. They came from Bandung Polytechnic (Polban), University of Business & Information (UNIBI), Universitas Nusantara (UNINUS), Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI) and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).