The Owner of the Biggest Chocolate Company in Garut Gave Public Lecture at Widyatama

The Owner of the Biggest Chocolate Company in Garut Gave Public Lecture at Widyatama

On Saturday, 11 May 2019, Management Study Program in collaboration with PT. Tama Coklat Indonesia (Chocodot) conducted a public lecture with the theme “Creative Entrepreneurs in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0” with the owner PT. Tama Coklat Indonesia (Chocodot) Mr. Kiki Gumelar S. ST., M.MPAR as the speaker. This public lecture activity began with an opening session conducted by the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management, Dr. H. Deden Sutisna M.N, S.E., M.Sc. Mr. Deden said about the importance of growing sensitivity and fostering entrepreneurial spirit. The speaker gave motivation to become a successful entrepreneur to students, through the true story he faced in building a business. After the opening, the event continued with a prayer reading and singing the Indonesian national anthem led by Management Study Program students.

Public lecture was Creative Entrepreneur in the Age of Industrial Revolution 4.0. It purposed to provide education and motivate students to become entrepreneurs who are creative and sensitive in seeing opportunities. During the public lecture activities students were very enthusiastic and some were even moved to start businesses in their respective fields of expertise.