Multimedia University Malaysia and Widyatama University Implement MoU through Curriculum Mapping

The Head of the Cooperation Bureau of Widyatama, Viddi University Mardiansyah, S.Si., MT along with several Chairmen of the Widyatama University Study Program visited Multimedia University Malaysia 11-14 March 2018. The visit was in order to follow up the collaboration between Widyatama University and Multimedia University, especially a few Study Programs at the University Widyatama (UTama) with several Study Programs at Multimedia University Malaysia (MMU).

Viddi said that the collaboration between universities would further improve the quality, quality and recognition of Widyatama University both nationally and internationally. In addition, with this collaboration, it was expected that the entire academic community in Widyatama University could also feel a positive impact.

The form of cooperation agreed upon between Multimedia University Malaysia and Widyatama University Bandung included Joint Degree or Double Degree, Student Exchange and Joint Research Collaboration conducted between Lecturers. The main agenda of this visit was the curriculum mapping between the Study Program Chairmen of both parties. Widyatama University was represented by Sriyani Violina, S.T., M.T (Head of the Bachelor degree of Informatics Engineering), Sri Lestari, Ir., M.T. (Head of Information Systems Bachelor Study Program), Dr. Alvanof Z.M, S.T., M.M. (Head of Diploma program of Graphic Design), Fajar Persada Supandi, S.St., M.T (Head of Diploma program of Multimedia).

The implementation of the signing of the MoU and this curriculum mapping resulted in optional development cooperation including:

  1. Transfer Credit/Credit Earnings (Maximum Credit taken by 20 Credit, could start in October or March each year)
  2. Exchange Lecturer/Visiting Professor that could be held for 1-2 weeks.
  3. Joint Supervision for Student Final Assignments
  4. Internship Program in Industry (Telkom Malaysia) or at the Research Group at MMU

“Mapping this curriculum is expected to be able to open the horizons of the Study Program to better prepare its graduates to be able to compete in the international world” added Viddi during the interview at Jalan Cikutra No. 204 Bandung.