Event GROW 2019: Millennial Potential in Using Social Media

Event GROW 2019: Millennial Potential in Using Social Media

Entertainment and social media lead a big role today. In 2019, many artists and influencers have sprung up on social media. They come from various fields such as fashion, travel, beauty, and food. Without realizing it, this is very influential for the people even they gather to become celebrities even though the content they have is very random. Therefore, let us break the world with content or useful things, especially in the field of English.

We can apply this ability in the field of English as a learning tool and familiarize ourselves in using English. Proficiency in communicating by English will help us make it easier to find work and get relationships or be able to work with global people or other global companies.

Through the event Get More Knowledge (GROW) 2019 organized by the Widyatama University Student Activity Unit (UKM), the entire potential of millennials is now more explored. GROW was held on Friday and Saturday, April 5th-6th 2019 at Widyatama University. By carrying the theme “The impact of entertainment and social media for English skills”, this activity competed the ability of students in English through speech contest and writing competition. Dozens of students from various universities in Bandung and Jakarta participated in the GROW 2019.

The event had taken place on the April 5th, while the announcement of winners and seminars were held on the 6th as well as closing the event. The seminar consisted of how the world of entertainment and social media influenced our English language abilities which were conducted by three speakers who were influencers and YouTuber, they are Joesin Translation, Aaron’s English and Skinnyfabs.