Widyatama University Library Awarded “A” Accreditation

Widyatama University Library Awarded "A" Accreditation

After receiving a Visitation from the National Library of Indonesia assessor team on Tuesday (11/7), starting on August 7, 2017 the Widyatama University Library Accreditation achieved the highest accreditation, “A” Accreditation. The visitation was carried out in the framework of accreditation of the College Library. This is the first time that the Library has carried out library accreditation.

One form of formal recognition of meeting library standards is through library accreditation. In Government Regulation number 24 of 2014 stated that accreditation is a series of formal recognition process activities by accreditation institutions stating that an institution has fulfilled the requirements to carry out certain certification activities. Library accreditation is a series of formal recognition process activities by library accreditation institutions stating that library institutions have fulfilled requirements for library management activities. An accredited libraries will obtain accreditation certificates. Furthermore, it can be added that the recipient of a library accreditation certificate shows that it has reached a certain level in achieving library standards.


Library accreditation is an evaluation of the aspects of organizing the library whether it is in accordance with the national standards of the library. Library accreditation is also an evaluation carried out by external parties to assess and encourage improvement in the quality and effectiveness of libraries. One of the goals of accreditation is to improve accredited institutions including universities. Libraries that have not met the minimum standards as library standards must improve themselves to try to improve their library to meet the minimum standards of the library.

In conducting library accreditation there are several standards and guidelines used as references in conducting evaluations. These standards and guidelines include: National Library Standards (SNP), Indonesian National Standards (SNI) related to the components needed but not covered in the SNP, quality management standards in library activities, relevant library accreditation guidelines and other guidelines developed (including code of ethics assessors and preparation of assessment reports).

Library accreditation activities provide many benefits for accredited libraries. Some of the benefits of library accreditation include building the quality of library institutions, determining the degree of standard fulfillment in a library, motivating library managers to build libraries to better and professional levels, elevating the image of the library and increasing market or community recognition of library performance.

Widyatama University Academics congratulates on the achievement of the “Accreditation A” ranking of the Main Library (Pustaka Loka)

Widyatama University Library Awarded "A" Accreditation

Hopefully it becomes an inspiration, can maintain and improve services to better stakeholders.