Received Dikti Assistance, Widyatama University Lecturers and Students Provide ORAI Training for Santri

The research team consisting of lecturers and students of the English Study Program, Widyatama University, conducted training and community service at the Al Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School/Madrasah, Cileles Village, Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency

Held Thursday, December 23, 2021.

Dr. Ervina CM Simatupang, Head of the UTama English Study Program, explained that the research team intentionally provided training on the use of the ORAI application to students at the pesantren.

Dr. Hendar, M.Pd, Dean of the UTama Language Faculty (center), Dr. Nurul Hermina, S.E., M.M., and her students
Dr. Hendar, M.Pd, Dean of the UTama Language Faculty (center), Dr. Nurul Hermina, S.E., M.M., and her students

The research on the ORAI application itself was carried out to improve English language skills based on digital literacy during the pandemic.

Ervina continued, the ORAI application based on digital literacy is very helpful for students in facing the challenges and importance of mastering a foreign language-English.

“This is also to improve their English language skills. Because along with the progress of the times, mastery of English in the digital era is increasingly needed,” said Ervina, the Head of the Research Team as well as the speaker of the activity, recently.
Dr. Ervina CM Simatupang, Head of English Study Program UTama
Dr. Ervina CM Simatupang, Head of English Study Program UTama
“A person can say that he mastered English but what is the measuring instrument for mastering English,” he added.

He also revealed that there are many measuring tools to determine a person’s level of English proficiency. And being able to speak English, is one of the measuring tools that can diagnose a person’s level of English proficiency.

Ervina also explained that being able to carry out these activities could not be separated from the funds for the Independent Learning Policy Research Program for the Independent Campus and Community Service Based on Research Results and PTS Prototypes of the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology for the 2021 Fiscal year.

“I would like to thank the Directorate General of Higher Education for the financial assistance. So that research from our lecturers and students can run,” he concluded.
Santri Madrasah/Islamic Boarding School Al Istiqomah, Cileles Village, Jatinangor District
Santri Madrasah/Islamic Boarding School Al Istiqomah, Cileles Village, Jatinangor District

Meanwhile, Dr. Hendar, M.Pd, Dean of the Dean of the UTama Language Faculty explained that the use of applications in learning during the pandemic really helps students to learn English independently.

“This application is good to use to hone the skills of the students, in improving their ability to speak English which can be used later,” said Hendar.

Meanwhile, Dr. Nurul Hermina, S.E., M.M., a speaker on digital literacy who is also a member of the research, said that digital literacy is becoming increasingly important in the 21st century. Moreover, the development of science and technology is very fast.

Dede Otang, Chairman of the Tarbiyatul Ummah Istiqomatul Khoir . Foundation
Dede Otang, Chairman of the Tarbiyatul Ummah Istiqomatul Khoir . Foundation
“Through digital literacy, students will have extraordinary abilities to think, learn, communicate, work together, and create,” said Nurul.

In addition, according to Dr. Ratna Komala Putri, Head of P2M, this training activity is very necessary and useful, because it can increase students’ interest in learning English. Moreover, the application used can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

Regarding PKM and training conducted by UTama lecturers and students, Dede Otang, Chair of the Tarbiyatul Ummah Istiqomatul Khoir Foundation which oversees Madrasah Al Istiqomah highly appreciates this activity.

According to him, such efforts by academics deserve appreciation, because they not only provide insight from academic practitioners to students, but also expand networks and harmonious relations between educational institutions.
