800 Participants Join Marketing Seminar in Collaboration with INKOPA Widyatama with Mark Plus and PT Erlangga

Widyatama Innovation & Academic Corporation (INKOPA) in collaboration with Markplus and PT Erlangga successfully held a marketing seminar with the theme “Towards SDGs, Gen-Z, and Metaverse” at the GSG building, Widyatama University Campus, Bandung, last Saturday. The seminar was held with the aim of inviting all Indonesian education personnel and professionals to further develop creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, marketing and leadership (CI-EL). The seminar material was also considered important for participants to know how CI-EL replaced the old ways that prioritized productivity, improvement, professionalism, and management (PI-PM).

The change in the way aims to enable business actors to have a competitive advantage in facing the new marketing era in 2030. This marketing seminar was attended by approximately 800 participants consisting of Widyatama students of both S3 programs. S2 and S1 as well as external participants (ASN), industrial companies, banks and high schools / vocational schools). Acting as a resource person at the seminar Hermawan Kartajaya as founder and chairman of M Corp with moderator Prof. Dr. Zulganef, Professor of Management Science, Widyatama University.

In his presentation, Hermawan Kartajaya said that in 2024 all parties must be economic drivers, including Widyatama, namely that marketing is actually the ability to implement strategies, tactics and values.

The future cannot be stopped or unstoppable and no one can stop it. Therefore, marketers must prepare adaptive strategies to deal with it, especially for the closest future, namely 2030. According to Hermawan, in 2024, marketers should not be stuck thinking only about politics – considering politics as their respective choice – but must also think about sustainability and immersive strategies. This sustainability refers to SDGs which consist of five pillars, namely People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership.

Now many big brands are already aiming at the principles of SDGs. Therefore, small brands including SMEs should also start directing themselves there. Hermawan advised, don’t wait to be big first and then participate in SDGs because this is a requirement for business continuity in the future. This awareness has also begun to occur among the consumer community, especially generation Z who care about sustainability.

“If we don’t care about green and impact, no one will care about your business and products. No one will invest in your business, and even consumers will not buy products if the company does not care about green and impact, Hermawan explained.

He added, “That means, if we don’t SDGs, we will be left behind by key stakeholders.” Hermawan emphasized that humans must be able to control technology. If not controlled, technology will potentially cause damage. “Don’t reject technology. However, technology must be controlled for good,” he pleaded. Hermawan Kartajaya, predicts that there are 3 main trends that will play an important role in Indonesia’s marketing stage: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Generation Z, and Metaverse Technology.

The interaction of these three issues will be the driving force for a new era of marketing in 2030. In his presentation, Hermawan reminded that there is a concept of 12C as transformation and 9 marketing elements that have been used Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Widyatama Foundation, Roeahartono Roespinoedji in his remarks at the seminar stated that this event is a good opportunity for students who can learn outside the classroom in accordance with the spirit of independent learning, upgrading themselves, increasing knowledge, and strengthening their credentials.

The theme of this seminar is also very relevant to the world of higher education where it is required to innovate to create marketing methods in maximizing new student admissions.

In the future, Roeshartono hopes that INKOPA’s collaboration with PT Erlangga and MCrop can be closer and bigger and can present relevant contemporary themes. At that time, Prof. Dr. Dadang Suganda, Rector of Widyatama University said that the business world is changing drastically due to the rapid development of science and technology also due to real conditions in society and in the world and extraordinary changes.

The Rector of Universitas Widyatama hopes that this seminar can identify marketing phenomena that will occur in 2030 and get to know new marketing strategies, tactics and values.

Meanwhile, Dr. Keni Kaniawati as Head of INKOPA said, the marketing seminar offers an introduction to the world of marketing to participants, so that they can further develop their potential and are ready to become a reliable Generation Z in 2030.

It is hoped that there will be no more culture shock or technological stuttering as all future marketing concepts are fully explored in the seminar. In addition, the seminar is also expected to continue to motivate MSME / start-up / Entrepreneur players to develop and compete in national and international markets, especially encouraging them to be ambitious to bring the good name of local products to the global level.***

(Keni Kaniawati, 2024) Source : https://cirebon.pikiran-rakyat.com/pendidikan/pr-047818272/800-peserta-ikuti-seminar-marketing-kerjasama-inkopa-widyatama-dengan-mark-plus-dan-pt-erlangga